Fuck everything

90 Da9

New Member
About 2 go give this one more shot wish me luck guys. Hopefully my next post will be joy and not another fuck thread :)


weightless wonder
Ahhhhhhh! WTF!!!!!!! This thread has just been brouht to life again!!! FUCK BEING SICK DAMNIT!!! It's enough that every fucking-body at work is sick, but to come home and deal with half of my family being sick too!!! DAMNIT!! It's hard to stay healthy with all these damn sick people!!!! And what the fuck peeps, fucking rednecks in FL who see my lowered gutted car and scream shit at me!! AND FUCK THE RICERS, who upon seeing my gutted car, view this as an invitation to race!!! DAMNIT!!! I'm not losing my car by racing some stupid fucking kid who thinks his car is the shit, and wants to do it in broad daylight, in the middle of fucking rush hour, or late at night where you can't see the damn cops unitl it is too late! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrghhhhhh!!! Fuck the military people who decided my ship out date will be in may, leaving me more time to fucking deal with that shity ass place where i work, where people fucking quit left and right, and those who are veterans bust their ass to make everyone and their fucking bosses happy, and still we get less pay, no benefits, increased hours, and god-awfully constructed scheldules. AARRGGGHHHHHH!!! I hate my job!!!! May needs to get here quick!!!! And fuck the cop who pulled me over IN A MOVIE PARKING LOT for going to fast when I WAS FOLLOWING 3 PEOPLE!!!! Back the fuck off of imports!! And fuck all those who, throught their actions, have given imports a bad rap, and becuase of it, we, the good people have to deal with stupid shilt like that!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! I love this thread!!!


ya i feel like i need to post up in this bitch again life has just been fuckn jolly the past few weeks i got so much damn stress idk what to do i faught someone for calln me a pussy i never get ticked over ne thing that easy i almost withdrew from school today because i feel like i cant deal with this shit ne more i feel like i cant ever win i always get walked on cause im the nice guy and now that i actually faght someone for starting with me im the bad guy wtf screw this shit i wish i could just hop in the teggy and disappear man fuck all the bullshit fuck women school work lien ass ppl yo as much as i hate 50cent he did say one good thing "deaths gotta be easy cause life is hard" end of rant


The Transporter
god time to bring this back. FUCK CV axles stuck to intermidiate shafts FUCK THAT! fuck society's taboo's. fuck asshole teachers. fuck snobs!

Street Anthem

Sac-Town's Finest
fuck integras...bitch is leakin from the muthafuckn a/c box inside my muthafuckn car....fuck y the hell this coming up...

im a pube-hair away from sellin my ryde....one more thing fucks up after i fix somethin....my babygirl is gone -shakes fist-


New Member
Street Anthem said:
fuck integras...bitch is leakin from the muthafuckn a/c box inside my muthafuckn car....fuck y the hell this coming up...

Mine did it for the first time last weekend. It rained hard as hell. Got in the car, and water was coming from the same place.... Have you figured out where it's leaking from??


New Member
Wow, search really does work. Found this at edmunds.com. I gotta try it.

Fixing Wet Passenger-Floor-Board

1st go to Acura or Honda and order 8 of part number 91608-SJ6-003. It is a small white rubber seal. They cost about $ 2.50 each.
2nd remove the wiper arms and the wiper motor cowl. The wiper cowl is the long black panel under the wiper arms. Pop out the black circles and unscrew the white clips. You may also have to pull out the plastic pins under the rubber seal on the firewall side of the cowl. The panel is cumbersome. Use caution not to break the ends near the hood hinges. After you remove the cover there is another black cowl on the passenger side. This cowl covers the passenger cabin air intake. The leak is coming from the black plastic push screws that hold that cover on. When you remove the cover you can see the seals in the holes that the push screws were in. The rubber seal dry-rots over time and the sides split open. Water leaks in one drop at a time and adds up quickly. Once you have replaced the seals you should be leak free for another 9-10 years.


90 Da9 said:
Fuck honda fuck acura fuck obd0 fuck b16's fuck cars fuck everytiung. Sory just venting tried 2 do my swap but my gay fucking pos 90 car did compromise w/ me, ALl the bolts were frozen and dident come off. FUcking hub bolt that holds the axel on diden't wanna come off. Again this was street work so no fucking power tools. We bend a breaker bar How the fuck do u bend a breaker bar. Took almost 3 hrs 2 take them off. Tried melting wax tried everything. 2 mounts snap in half. Now i got no fucking car for a week. I'm sry again for the cursing just venting.


super brother
fuck 3 rd fuck 4 tgear leavin fuck honda with these cheap ass syncros. fuck those dum ass trailing arm bushings