Hate being the new guy!


Rusty but trusty!
Hey! My name is Kyle, live in Wisconsin, just bought a 89 Integra for $200 bucks. I put a $50 rust oleom hammer paint job on it, fixed a few things and have been running it. Makes for a good daily driver, 33 mpg all day long. Needs some work yet, but of course being a damn gear head now i am looking into modifying it. Lookin forward to learning more, honestly have only messed with a few Honda's before.



Active Member
What they said. Hell of a deal... That rattle can sure worked wonders. Welcome to the site, we need some more g1's around here lol.


Jesus is THE way
whoa that shit looks hella better with the can spray, the first pic i was like wtf then the other pics i was like damn that shit look clean. nice job


Active Member
Looks awesome dude. Keep up with the project and take lots of pics for us picture whores :drool: