Hate This Thanksgivings...


Super Moderator
cabezzzdb8 said:
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE.. :guns: godamn man sorry about the car,
Exactly. I can't even go down the road without some jack ass in a SUV, Truck, or MiniVan (they're all domestic cars by the way) riding my ass.


New Member
Damn man your DC5 was sweet. Specally after you installed those $300 JDM Fog lights. People are FUCKING idiots! Well at least your alright, hope everything goes alright if you decide to fix it.


yea, i got something in my mind....05 Aspec Front :twisted: sell my fogs and get the 05 fogs, and a CF hood, i'll keep ya updated


HEY MOJOJO WELL IM SPEECHLESS TO BE HONEST. me and the guys at the shop had a moment of silence for you and are glad ur ok and nothing worst happen'd. i give u props for keeping it out of that ditch of water now that would had pissed me off even more, hey and so what now u have a few battle scars but at least ull be able to wake up and enjoy life some more like i always tell my crew matterial things can be replaced but a life can't so if u can avoid injury to urself and others then thats a victory in my book


thx bro, i should get my car back in a couple weeks...she got a new face lift =) lol she looks younger now


New Member
hey get the 05 c-west front. it looks way better than tha aspec kit right jdm_conversion hahahah hi lil cuzzin


yea...that was a option..but i kinda like the Aspec look. looks simple and clean, dont really wanna replace the whole bumper..still wanna have a lil oem look too it