i'm.....so bored...


New Member
entertain me!!!! :shock: i dont post much cause uh yea, im lazy but now i'm bored... someone fix it please?


Money Getter
SlyDC2 said:
or no. you guys arent very good at entertaining me *pout*
we dont mean to ignore you.. we are just busy tring to make the extra dollar for new parts


New Member
DownShift96GSR said:
Hey what up? Haven't heard from you or Courtney in a while. What have ya'll been up to?
ehh just put the car back into the shop for new paint and a new windshield...i frackfuckingsured my finger so im out of work for a bit. life is grand. :lol:


New Member
SlyDC2 said:
ehh just put the car back into the shop for new paint and a new windshield...i frackfuckingsured my finger so im out of work for a bit. life is grand. :lol:
Ouch sounds like it pain. How did you manage that? Or do I even want to know?


New Member
DownShift96GSR said:
Ouch sounds like it pain. How did you manage that? Or do I even want to know?

it is painful, i slammed it in the car door and my nail got torn off and yea not just the fake one my real one too and its fractured but its getting better but it still hurts. heres an old pic...

it looks better then that now..


ahhh damn...u didnt have to take that much of a close up on it...hehe should make a thread for scars & injures "POST YOUR SCARS & BLOODY INJURED BODY PARTS"

*sigh* at work gout about another 4 hours...got a lil nap earlier, slept for about 35 mins, gotta get that paper. got a new bone stock car, and she wants new parts and accessories..she's really demanding sometimes, keep asking me when i'ma get her some new rims


i kno thats wat i told my boo, i'm more worried bout wats under her skirt than her rims, but she saw these bronze 18" Volk Rims and she's been whining bout them since. *sigh* tough love i guess, i'll get it for her when he's old enough. my boo gets her intake tommrrow =) pics asap


New Member
Sounds like you spoil her. I don't blame you, I spoil the hell out of mine. But she doesn't wine much about the shoes. She knows she'll get em when daddy can afford them. She's getting a face lift soon. She needs it anyway. Oh well, can't wait to see the pic of the new intake.