Integra cluster light bulbs


hey klutch would the wped-xhp5's be better than the wled-xLx? the xLx's have a higher intensity, not really sure what that means?
Yeah just stick with the xhp5, higher intensity bulbs like that are known to actually melt plastic components around them ad stuff with clusters which is no bueno, so I say stick with the 5 way :thumbs up


New Member
cool thats what a guy at work was just telling me plus the xLx's are 10 bucks a peice as apposed to 5 bucks. thanks for the help cause that blue looks awsome!!


New Member
hey klutch do u no anything about programming a keyless entry remote??


Active Member
research.. i searched on here before i even joined the thread. with a little work i found everything i needed to know.. even a tutorial on the whole process.

not complaining, but the answers are on here or somewhere on the internets that are relativly easy to find.


I'm assuming it's the same for them but I would check before making any concrete decisions, I don't know very much about that subject... Need to do some research of my own now I guess :roll:
