KilleD and got KILLED


New Member
hey guys,

last weekend i went to racewars on the circuit of zolder and raced a few times (dragging).
my first run was my first run ever and it was very wet so that sucked haaaard and in that race i lost to my fellow clubmember with his 215hp white teggy TypeR
second race i won from a cooper S (mini) with two carlengths (mind it was only 300m and not 400m like normal due to the fact it was on the straight line of a circuit wich was a lil to short for 400m + brakinglane)
last race i did was against a clubmember with his civic saga (98) VTI 178pk and won by one carlength)

ill be putting out my 1/4mile time after the comming weekend cause the its sprintdays at brustem airbase here in belgium which i will be racing 2days ;)

greetz sis


New Member
Congrats on your kills... adn about your least it was to a fellow integra. Either way my friend congrats and post up the 1/4 times if you can when you get them .


New Member
when u said u beat the mini by 2 car lengths ....was that mini car lengths or teggy car lenghts