Most recent picture of your car!


Dont get me wrong, my mom would love me to move back home. She doesnt want me to leave far from my stopping grounds. Its time for me to move on and come back during their death bed. Theyre 66 and it will probably be 20 years before they croak.

Colorado bound like a Hobo hitchhiking along the interstate


The other asshole
I'm probably gonna end up in texas...

Cali seems to be really shitty now (maybe it always was? :lol: ) and idk, WA is nice, OR seems pretty cool too, but I have friends in TX, and a lot of stuff that I would be interested in seems to go on in austin and dallas so who the fuck knows.


Im going where the snow is. Its going to be a big leap, since i lived here from the time i was born. Its great living here, im just done with it. Maybe the rain, or the politics is making me crazy


I'm sure the next place you go, you'll love it. It was like that for me. I love it here in WA because it is the total opposite of Kansas. I plan on staying here in WA for as long as I can.


The other asshole
The first step is always the hardest.
As the last 2 years have proved :lol:

The first step for me is buying an rc51, riding gear, and saving up enough to ride around the f***ing country to find where I'm going.

I'm working on it though, 2015 was a busy ass year for me, and at least the first half of 2016 is going to be busy too, but I should make a decent chunk towards my goal if I can ready the teg and another car I have to sell in the next 2-4 months.


New Member
WA fool lol. Isnt it snowing where you live? It is here ;)
Bytch, if it was snowing where I am, why would I ask that question? lol

Second, WA is a big azz state, just because it's snowing in 'timbuktu' where you are doesn't mean that it's snowing EVERYWHERE in WA...

FUC the snow... I moved here because it doesn't snow that much....


Active Member
I drown myself in debt because its paying for my cost of living. Other than that, i would have to move back home. And i will not make that an option, unless hell freezes over. Go ahead, keep calling me a moron. At least im not living with my mommy like some of you girls on here.

:lol: calm your tits. Getting loans for regular living expenses while attending college is normal. I'm talking about these morons that have hundreds of thousands of debt for a degree in Underwater Basket Weaving or some other stupid degree that is useless. Now if you are doing that, then yes, you are a moron.

College isn't that expensive. You just have to be smart about it. Good paying jobs don't require a degree from Harvard anymore. Hell, you can get a good paying job with an online degree now a days.


Im not ready to start winter qtr yet. Even though my first day of class is tomorrow evening
Bytch, if it was snowing where I am, why would I ask that question? lol

Second, WA is a big azz state, just because it's snowing in 'timbuktu' where you are doesn't mean that it's snowing EVERYWHERE in WA...

FUC the snow... I moved here because it doesn't snow that much....
I would expect more snow in the north than the south. The news always talking about a chance of snow in Marysville/Everett area during this time of year. Its raining down here in the 30s.

Are you inside with the blinds shut with your tropical scenery on TV with Hula Hula songs on the radio? :lol:

:lol: calm your t***. Getting loans for regular living expenses while attending college is normal. I'm talking about these morons that have hundreds of thousands of debt for a degree in Underwater Basket Weaving or some other stupid degree that is useless. Now if you are doing that, then yes, you are a moron.
Ah, you mean those liberal arts degree? :lol: