My civic and my friends Integra


Unregistered User
thats frickin' awesome to get da stars....
haha, thanks...

thanks for the help, yeah Im just learning this was my fist time ever using a d40 or anything besides a point and shoot camera, I was using a tripod and I was using a 18-55 lense with a filter on some pictures
ima buy a remote to take pictures so I dont touch the camera and cause blurr....
also when using no flash I just set the exposure a lil longer to bring out light?
thanks for the help
if you're taking a long exposure blur won't really happen, but yeah. set the exposure longer... take the aperture down... Do you know what the light bar in your camera is?


I'm lost!
haha, thanks...
if you're taking a long exposure blur won't really happen, but yeah. set the exposure longer... take the aperture down... Do you know what the light bar in your camera is?
No I dont lol, I have a d40 tho....
Im still reading the manual and playing with the camera

I love the rims on the Civic :)
Thanks me too I love the way those rims look on the civic
and once I get my custom coilovers ill be tucking tire for sure..
