Need a new user name...mine's dumb


Think I'm narrowing it down. Either gonna be SexySSBP, or left the same. I thought of SuperSexySSBP, but too long :) Thanks for the suggestions!


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
why not be original? like randomly hitting keys on your keyboard? like this is a good one: sdhkjhfthe or maybe afghadgame?

includes hidden message at the end of each sn ;)


why not be original? like randomly hitting keys on your keyboard? like this is a good one: sdhkjhfthe or maybe afghadgame?

includes hidden message at the end of each sn ;) the hidden

And yes, avatar and sig will remain the same.


Super Moderator
I like how sage talked down on the thread, but yet, still felt the need to read it and comment even though it is a "waste of time." While true, he didn't "make a thread crying about how lame his screen name is," he did continuously go out of his way to read said "waste of time thread" and cry about how lame someone else's thread is. Interesting thought process, or hypocrisy if you will.


I like how sage talked down on the thread, but yet, still felt the need to read it and comment even though it is a "waste of time." While true, he didn't "make a thread crying about how lame his screen name is," he did continuously go out of his way to read said "waste of time thread" and cry about how lame someone else's thread is. Interesting thought process, or hypocrisy if you will.
Hahaha...I concur. My first response was much less easy going, but I did a ninja edit before anybody read it :)