New Idea


Resident Hoodrat
Ive been looking at a lot of tegs that use spray or film to yellow-out the high beams but, i heard about using this special kind of paint to actually paint the HOUSING yellow. I know its a lot more trouble but i think its more original and could look pretty damn good.
First things first though, how do i remove the the front end, and is does anyone know how to remove the lens from the housing?


remove the front bumper? if you open the hood you'll see a bunch of bolts right above the bumper..those hold the top of the bumper in your wheel wells there are clips/bolts that hold your bumper to your fender.remove those and there you go...front bumper is off...the headlights not entirely certain on. im pretty sure the lens is glued onto the housing, which in that case will pose an obstacle to remove.


Dump or Die.
to take off the headlights theres 4 bolts on each side just take unbolt them and slide them off... now theres 2 ways to do this.. i suggest youtubing it if you dont know how but you can either glue gun it or put it in your oven... either way but yeah warm up glue then get flat head and pry out the lens slowly and evenly.. (its hot so be careful and dont burn yourself)

then once you got it off.. instead of painting the housing.. just get the yellow bulb but get a sander of some sort and sand out all those nasty ass lines so it looks like your lowbeam lens :] just an idea but yeah
