SoCal Meet 11/23


New Member
i think tom said meet at the shell station at 11:30 and leave by noon.
the ACH link in my sig links to the thread


Boredest Member
Me and local will probably be at the crsx cruise on saturday. Takes place in the afternoon. If you guys are meeting saturday evening we will probably be passing through their on the way back.

Cruise is set for 11:30 with noon departure. Location and route details are in the thread we have posted for it. We'll wait if someone is behind schedule for departure as long as one of us is contacted or we wont know and you'll have to meet us at Newcombs. :mrgreen:
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Active Member
Sweet deal. If I can, I'll try to make the cruise, oppa Norcal style.


Active Member
I think so. I'll be there regardless


New Member
Both the 11/23 meet and the 11/24 cruise are still going down

There is a mini meet this weekend since nick and I are meeting up we decided to make another meet on Saturday for anyone that would like to hangout and might not be at the other meets


New Member
so i am going to be ordering leds soon for my car, and mom's, and thought if anyone else has been wanting leds for theirs maybe we could do a group thing and split shipping? i'm just getting some for the map lights and trunk lights


Active Member
I have my TV currently turned against the open window. She'll fall two stories each time. :)