some smoke


Surge Master
Were the turbine/compressor wheels covered in oil? Was the turbine a greyish white color or pure black?

You're plugs don't look horrible, how many miles are on them?

Your ecu is just socketed, still doesn't prove it's fully tuned or on a basemap so you NEED to figure that out.

Do another compression test, a lot can happen in a few months. I know the leakdown showed nothing obvious but a current compression test won't hurt either.

What kind of turbo is it? My guess is your seals are starting to go, and when you rev it up the increased oil pressure is pushing past the seals.


New Member
It's pure black. I plan on tuning it again after I get a new map. Their is Prob a 1000 miles on the plugs or a few more. It's a t3/t4 turbonetics hybrid turbo. I didn't see any oil. But idk if it was burnt off or what