Team Integra sucks


save a a porno
ya we on the utah side of ti actually broke off and started our own site because of the gay ass bullshit that the mods try and pull there and none of browse the site or praise its ungodly awful state because we all agree its gay plus team-integra site is good for info other then that it should burn in hell surrounded by endless amount of shit lol
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New Member
hahaha. you guys admit they have the best info....but you bitch when a new thread that was covered multiple times, before you could even drive, gets deleted. they get rid of the bullshit! it makes it easier for YOU. theyll even point you in the right direction rather than feeding you opinions which we all know dont mean shit.


lol i like how once every couple months there is a thread here about ti with people getting all huffy puffy at each other.



Well-Known Member
hahaha. you guys admit they have the best info....but you bitch when a new thread that was covered multiple times, before you could even drive, gets deleted. they get rid of the bullshit! it makes it easier for YOU. theyll even point you in the right direction rather than feeding you opinions which we all know dont mean shit.
If you didnt notice. We dont care about YOUR opinion.


New Member
all im saying is the arguments about TI arent really valid. i bet i wouldnt get called a douche for posting an opposing opinion on other forums. how are you contributing by name calling?

and whoever said chill......i am chill

Ominous G2

I honestly can't stay on that site for more than 2 minutes.

Also the name calling was because the last guy that came over trying to talk up TI, was a douche. So it was stereotyping TI members, no offense was intended.


New Member
do you really wanna sift through 15 pages of intake and exhaust questions full of opinions, that can be answered in one post?
team-integra is great. most of you guys that complain either have no patience or a lack of appreciation for the amount of TECHNICAL info they have. all the other sites barely scratch the surface and are by word of mouth. "yeah man i got that intake and it feels great" i look for more depth and wanna know why we do things and the science behind it.
just because you got your post deleted which was most likely covered several times before. you call them assholes. the level of intelligence you possess really shines through in that instance. its mostly to encourage searching. why keep archives if no one utilizes them?
before you try to assume what I did, actually read this post first and you wont have to assume. I did search(like i always do) and came back with very few results. And no it was not a topic that has been discussed numerous times. It was about my harmonic balancer having a wobble to it and rattling. How many times you seen that asked??? Im sure you have, but its not that common of a topic. The post that i found did not directly answer my question and that was the post they brought up where my topic was "covered" already. I understand what they are trying to do over there but I'm seriously surprised anyone can post anything because most of that shit they post has already been covered.

And btw, i had no idea there was a TI thread already. I normally dont come on forums to "bicker" like I am right now. But I came to where there was an off topic section on this forum and I posted what i thought about that place. Sorry thats my opinion.


Just call me chris.
its funny we dont even have to be on TI to get bitched at by TI members. being a great informational tool doesnt give the right to be a bunch of douchebags. a mean an encyclopedia covered in shit is still a great source of info but who wants to use one thats covered in shit? get my drift.


tougê hêrmit
here we go again...... they have a thread now for money donations, if no one contributes the site might go under lol... every thing sucks there including the hot shot SUPER moderators that are gayer than shit. the articles are informational though and you have to give credit to some of the smart members for that.