Time for a new rant...


Unregistered User
ugh... I hate the way I've set up for my life....

I'm looking at schools now to go back for something other then being a tech, and I found a school that I actually really liked! their arts program had a big emphasis on Graphic Design and Photography (the 2 things I want to go back for)... The site was great, the campus looked amazing, it wasn't obnoxiously expensive, and had plenty of scholarships to apply for... Finally looked at the admission requirements and found out my GPA is .1 off from the minimum required to get into the school....


Honestly, I wish I could go back and NOT slack off for the last 8 years of my life... Anyone still in high school, seriously... Don't take that shit for granted.... That IS your life a head of you you're putting off...



New Member
you can get in if you are off by .1 on your GPA. all you do is apply to the school and set up a meeting to go there and speak with someone. alot of times they will ask yo uto take a course or two somewhere else like a junior college a take a few classes that will transfer to them. then they will look at those grades and decide wether or not to let u in
which school(s) are you looking at


Unregistered User
well, it's not only the .1 GPA that I'm worried about, I'm also missing a couple foreign language classes, a math course, and a couple other. School for a technician isn't at all Gen Ed Based... their goal is to just push you thru and get you into the real world. I need to take a few other classes yet too even to get into the school.

My main problem is that I really just need to get out of my parents house.. haha, I'm 20 years old, living in my parents basement graduated out of school with a degree in an occupation I don't want to do anymore.
That = fail

I'm going to look into a different school to see if I can get those courses taken then transfer into this one. I'm looking at Concordia University... I've only really looked at it for like 3 days, but first impression I really liked it.


New Member
first thing is contact them and find out what they want from you in order for you to get accepted. it may only take a semester or two in a C.C. to get in.
second, do you have money saved to get out of the house?? r u planning on going to school and keep the job you have??? student loans can help out big time.


Professional RiceR
yah that doesnt mean that they wont accept you... set up a meeting with admissions, remember schools need money lol... maybe theyre student population dropped :what: you never know


Unregistered User
no, I won't be keeping the job I have. I know contacting them is the main thing I need to do, and there is a CC in Baraboo here where I live. Getting out of the house would be to go to school. I could go to school and still live at home, but I am stuck here in a town with nothing really "going" for me. I don't think a school is willing to take the lowest allowable gpa over someone much more qualified. They make applications for a reason... so they can deny people they don't want. lol

I'll be using student loans, and I'll be quitting my job if/when I go to school. I want to go back full time, then get a part time job somewhere around campus, wherever that may be. I'm filling out an application to the place still, and I'm requesting information from them...

This was just more a rant at how much I slacked off and how much it's kicking me now... I know I can probably still get in to a different school if need be, but the fact that this was a school that actually attracted me to it, and from my lack of attempt at trying earlier in life is now limiting what I want to do...

More just a realization.


Unregistered User
lol, exactly what I'm doing... Saving, working, searching, and applying. That's about all I can do right now I think.


07 BMW 328Xi
ahem. from personal experience. i just got back into university of massachusetts-lowell. this university is well known for its engineering programs being one of the highest in the nation.

my first year of college i took everything for granted. i had been paid to go to school for FREE. i pocketed 4K from financial aid and went on my merry way. i started off well and it just went downhill from there. i failed a couple of classes from not attending because i picked work over education. i was suspended for a year, but thought it would just be a semester break. WRONG. i was not allowed back till this year even then they REJECTED every type of financial aid to me. i was so determined to get my life together that i quit my job. i contacted the admissions office and career center services and was listed as low priority since of my status because the amount of entries. (it hurt mentally.) so i took the iniative to befriend admission workers and had the woman to speak directly to the director of admissions. i told her to tell them my situation and how much i wanted this for myself. couple of days later i recieved an acceptance letter and i was allowed to appeal my financial aid cut off. i did it. and now instead of paying 10K out of my own pocket, i owe 1K.

i used this example to show you how far you can get by taking that first step to communicate. you can attend the most classes at another college but that doesnt mean you're sure what you want for yourself. and colleges know that. you'll be fine kuchta. good luck dude.


07 BMW 328Xi
wtf guy!? i still live with my parents and im turning 20 in decemeber. not because i dont want to own an apartment but im not financially settled.


Unregistered User
you'll be fine kuchta. good luck dude.
man... That's not a bad deal! I know, I just need to start doing work to GET what i want rather then sit around and wait for something magic to happen.

wtf guy!? i still live with my parents and im turning 20 in decemeber. not because i dont want to own an apartment but im not financially settled.
? lol, I'm not just trying to get out of here because I'm living with my parents, I just really want to get out of the house. My parents are more turning into a nagging factor to me now and actually don't really support my decision to go back to school


07 BMW 328Xi
same here. i dont feel like im accomplishing my full college experience that's why i plan to transfer and dorm. come home twice a month i suppose.


Unregistered User
exactly. I probably wouldn't come twice a month... maybe a couple times, but gas is still expensive. lol


07 BMW 328Xi
well are you getting another DA or are you hanging onto the civic? i mean both cars take regular and you guys must have cheaper gas in your area then in MA. how far is the college anyways from home.


Unregistered User
I'm going to hold onto the civic.. sadly, like a week after I posted that wtb I cracked my windshield, had to replace the starter, found 3 bad ball joints, and a couple bushings. lol

Milwaukee is probably 1 1/2 - 2 hours away, and stevens point is probably 2 - 2 1/2 hours away. (those are the UW's I'm also applying to)

UWM is close to Concordia University