Top Gear USA Season 1 - All 10 Episodes


New Member
you guys are all trying to compare it to top gear uk :p stop comparing it and suddenly top gear usa isint that bad, the evo snow race was actually pretty cool
I will most certainly compare it to the British Top gear when they use the same theme song, the Stig, do the same challenges, do the same races, and do the same everything else.

Ominous G2

I will most certainly compare it to the British Top gear when they use the same theme song, the Stig, do the same challenges, do the same races, and do the same everything else.

Don't forget that the new seasons of real Top Gear come out on DVD/Blu-Ray on Feb15th. :D
Already have mine pre-ordered.

Ominous G2

I don't mind paying for something if it's good, looking forward to the new seasons on blu-ray.


Negative Ned
Top Gear US is improving. The first episode or two I hated all three hosts. After about half the season Tanner and Ruttledge were cool. Now I've come to the point of liking all three of them.

Of course this will be never be as great as TG UK but TG UK has the biggest channel in the world behind them, outstanding presenters who have years of experience in television/radio/writing, don't have to deal with commercial breaks, and don't have to be as politically correct.


its not improving, it is will always be compared because its only a complete rip off.the only good part of the us version is Tanner Foust,and they dont even let that dude rip like Jeremy fact, i think Foust would be a good edition to the uk version on occassion.they would expect him to fuck shit long as the us version rides on the originals ideas and keeps the same name,themes, and most important, the FAKE stig, they will fail.