Where the worst drivers live...


Fat guy in a little 'teg
The only reason TX is #24 is that is so big and there are so many desolate areas that it evens out all of the stupidity and douchebagism that comes from people in Houston
Man I dunno when I was out in Austin a few months back the drivers sucked nutt too. SoCal is still worse though, cuz all the housewives get hopped up on painkillers and driver around on the freeways.


New Member
fuckin great i knew it EVERYONE i repeat EVERYONE!!!!!!!! in wisconsin fucking sucks at driving and i'll tell you why....they get away with it, they can cut you off, no blinker, not even a look over they're dumb shoulder to see if your there. they just move on over. yea sure you can lay on the horn. doesn't effect them. in they're minds, your in the wrong. not shittin you, i got cut off almost put my car in the curb, you know i get on the horn and what not. i get alone side of them to get out of they're distructuive path, and im the one getting the dirty look and the finger. ohhh my bad i guess i didn't see you when you almost hit me.
yea im from wisconsin. if your part of the handful of good drivers in wisconsin let me know cause i've lost all hope in this place


New Member
its all based on the density of the states, new york is definitely more dense than Idaho so know wonder they are the best driving, no one drives there!!!


Super Duper Moderator
Mass drivers are so notoriously bad, we have a special name for them here in N.H.: Massholes. The difference between the average N.H. and Mass driver is very obvious if you've driven up here for a while. You can see the difference the closer you get to the Mass border, in Nashua and Salem especially you might as well be driving in Mass at that point, it's nuts. But I honestly am suprised N.H. is ranked as low as it is.


New Member
New jersey has the worst drivers with license plates from 49 other states thats why new jersey is down there. jersey drives way better than most of the states in the top 10 due to the fact that there are barley any cars out there. they got more horses out there than the amish!!!! Jersey is where we get and develop Wheel !!!


New Member
Mass drivers are so notoriously bad, we have a special name for them here in N.H.: Massholes. The difference between the average N.H. and Mass driver is very obvious if you've driven up here for a while. You can see the difference the closer you get to the Mass border, in Nashua and Salem especially you might as well be driving in Mass at that point, it's nuts. But I honestly am suprised N.H. is ranked as low as it is.
mass hole all the way.

i may be a dick(to every other state) but i know how to drive/avoid other cars when i go 105 in a 65

but being a masshole i do get to deal with rotaries =(


NC should be #1.My integra was hit 3 times by three different mustangs.Maybe they should change that to states with the worst mustang drivers.
ah good old fayetnam. i bet you 2 of those 3 mustangs were prolly army that just bought a car they dont know how to handle... shoulda gone with the good ol' geo metro imo