Info on turbo type stuff?


Raceline USA
As much as possible really ha. I don't wanna spend a tonnnnnn of $$$. What I really want is that pshhh noise, I thinks its the blow off valve. It sounds badass, but do u have to get a turbo for that? But then if I just get the blow off valve that's kinda being a "poser." Lol.
Yes, that is the blow off valve that makes that noise. So you really want to spend money on a turbo kit just to get a blow off valve?


New Member
Thanks. I'm thinking I should prob get a new motor before I turbo it, cuz 206,000 miles is a lottt haha.


Fat guy in a little 'teg
How about you just sell the teg and buy a subie or and evo, then just put a BOV and be a clueless noob like 90% of the people who drive them.

If you wanna learn you gotta read son! I read at least ONE new bit of car knowledge every night. Or I go out and wrench on my car. The links with all those articles have everything you need to know. Turbo 101 is the first thing you should read.

And if I were you I'd look into getting a full kit the first time, not doing a custom one. Although custom kits are better for experienced people, a pre-assembled kit like the GReddy kit:

Would be good for you because it's bolt-on.

**edit: you're gonna want to completely rebuild that motor before you boost. COMPLETELY lol.
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