Samurai Blue's Integra Build


Yolo Whippin'

Got two of them off, that's it just bought the hammer and the socket thing to get them out today. Big thanks to Oscar from Backyard Motorsports for helping me hammer this shit out.


Active Member
Buy one and I'll teach you how to change the mileage. :)


New Member
Why exactly would freezing them make it any easier? You install and remove by hitting/pressing on the outer metal ring. What would freezing have to do with that ring?


New Member
I see. How would a basic freeze shrink metal? Wouldn't that mean clearances in cold places are messed up? I mean a freezer isn't THAT cold. I am willing to give it a shot though, even though it isn't logically making sense to me.


Yolo Whippin'
every bit helps. i didnt say it would slip in, but it makes it easier. How much? not sure but its easier and its not like it costs you anything to do anyways. unless you have a packed freezer.