Samurai Blue's Integra Build


Yolo Whippin'
just have to put it together and color correct it; the good stuff is already picked out. but i discovered jersey shores is funny as yeah


Yolo Whippin'
new sponsors! + updated pictures

Backstory of top two pictures:

changed my master cylinder cause that shit was leaking, put a new one on and the brake booster stud snapped.....went to a local dismantler to get a new one that one didnt exactly line up with the one i had, so i had no idea what year it was (turned out to be a 98+ one) so i was like wtf and got a new one from orilleys which was shit, went back to HAP and exchanged the 98+ one for a 95 integra one just because i didnt think i had an integra booster because it said it was off of a 97 integra.

changed wheels too

friends all motor gsr


Yolo Whippin'
so took my extra block apart Saturayday, the OGs know what motor it is. But anyways it was a virgin block which made me happy, rods werent stamped with the cyl numbers, Honda bearings etc.

Shitty thing about the whole experience was i think i need a new bare block with caps. My motor mounts were ripped, i originally thought it was just one which needed to be rewelded and tapped. But, I was wrong, after removing the crank pully and the water pump, I discovered both holes were bad on the one side and that they were repaired at one point.



Yolo Whippin'

sound clip of in car with a dc 4-1 header, blox test pipe and greddy sp2 muffler with 2.25 piping and no resonator


New Member
You want more than one header? LOL, jp

Look into a better quality header. DC Sports is known to be a cheap brand in terms of overal quality.
Those are hard to get right now. They had to stop production do to the headers rusting out fairly fast. Apparently they switched metal's and it wasnt obviously as good as it was. From what i was told there is a major back order at the moment and they arnt sure when the new batch is going to be out.

This was lik 2 months ago so it may be different now, just a FYI i learned over doing my build n thought i would pass it along.

I love your car tho Blue, i feel lik it does some serious ass kicking in the auto x. Nice job


Active Member
LOL!!! You have your camera in your steering wheel huh?! The tone sounds pretty good in my opinion. :thumbs up


Yolo Whippin'
I love your car tho Blue, i feel lik it does some serious ass kicking in the auto x. Nice job
thanks for the info bruh! I do alot more circuit racing than auto x now, my car doesnt like autox much.

LOL!!! You have your camera in your steering wheel huh?! The tone sounds pretty good in my opinion. :thumbs up
painters tape and a flip HD. xD we ghetto out here cuhz! it sounds hella gay at 3k-35k though