this guy got hated on


New Member
thats asking to get fuct.that poor fuckin guy,after all that money and work.then to attack him fuckin balls for shit like that.flat out fucking coward.the most yellow belly shit ever.i feel so bad for that dude,his spirit about it is totally crushed.this is exactly why i bough my beretta.
Hell yea dude, I def. agree with you on that. If you have a problem with someone don't go damage their property. MAN the fuck up and settle it face to face. Fucking up someones car is a total bitch move.


New Member
Dude, when i saw this my heart stopped. Matter fact i don't even think it's beating yet!

If i feel like this, i could only imagine what he felt like. I was pissed when some jackass keyed my car. But at least they couldn't even do that right cuz it wasn't even that bad.

These punks just took it way toooooo far. I hope that guy finds out who did it.


Fat guy in a little 'teg
Fucking nazi cocksuckers! No balls. What pussies do that to someone's car... especially over race/religion. I hope that guys finds out who it is and gets some payback.


New Member
this really isnt a joking thread. these kids basicaly wrecked this kids life by doing this. not only his car, his self esteem. you cant be the same after this. you cant walk around like everythings okay. cuz its not. for someone to take time out of their day to FUCK with someone this bad. they should be shot. plain and simple. if i ever found out who did this, even if i didnt know this kid i think i would killl him. nobody feels like this kid does. sit back and imagine what you would feel if you walked out and saw this to the car you loved (which we all do love our cars) so not right. in any way