What kind of dreams do you have about your car?


not a girl lol
LOL i haven't had to dream bout that =P... just fold tthe seats down and the back of the hatch becomes a bed.. and you know the rest ha
...Sounds like somebody is going to need a Rug Doctor rental for their seats and carpet :lol:

Ominous G2

I had a dream the other night somebody was looking at it, like a judge at a show. But it didn't seem like my car was at a show, so I yelled at him for touching it and left. I don't actually plan on putting my car in shows either, didn't make sense.


New Member
LOL i haven't had to dream bout that =P... just fold tthe seats down and the back of the hatch becomes a bed.. and you know the rest ha
i would do that but the rear half is gutted so now im forced to only get it on in the front 2 seats... it makes getting comfy hard for her sitting on my lap unless i decide that we need to clean her dirty mouth out--- this is the smiley version of how it sll goes down :slap::headbang: (5min later) :guns::shocked2::eek:k: hahaha now u get the idea of what happens on my midnight drives that i do
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New Member
I had a dream or a nightmare rather a few months ago someone was stealing my teg I literally ran out the door jumped over the balcony (3 story apartment) and caught them as they were driving away and kicked there ass before waking up lol

And last night I had a dream I was installing DC5R reds into my new type-s and was slightly disappointed when I drove to class this morning lol

98 Integra

New Member
I have had several dreams since getting her. I have dreamt several times about just cruisiing in her with new back rims on. I have had a few dreams that she got stolen :( woke up scared. I was dreaming several straight nights of having all the stuff done that I want done to her and just blowing people away lol. Wow I never thought I would love a car so much. I am so happy to be apart of this great forum and have joined the Honda world.

Kenn has a DC4!

Project Midori Civic
I had a dream i was doing touge runs. lol.
and i had a another one just recently that some guy came up to my door step and gave me a pair of yellow recaro seats.