aftermarket steering wheel swap


New Member
looks like i'll be putting an aftermarket steering wheel soon :)

i just wanted to ask, is the following all i need?

^^will that hub be all that is required to make it fit?

also, do you reckon its a difficult DIY for a noob? the most challenging part looks like.. getting the tools needed to unscrew the bolts.. :(



That looks like the wheel will fly off in your hand. Don't cheap out on vital parts. Go with NRG products at the very least. I'm pretty sure you need the short hub adapter, quick release, and steering wheel. Idk cuz I still have the stock steering wheel. but i'm pretty sure those are the things you need. Last thing you want to do is go head first into on coming traffic cuz your quick release broke. Please don't cheap out


New Member
I don't want the quick release. not only it's more expensive, i'm also more paranoid about accidentally releasing my wheel while driving than getting my car stolen.. lol weird i know..

i just need to know about the hub adapter... which one do i need? and is it all i need?


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
I deal nrg products and have them on my car. I've seen the eBay ones, a dude actually bent his wheel by Bare hand because it's so cheap. Don't cheap out on this. There is no way to accidentally release the wheel, you have to do it intentionally. Pm me if you're interested in nrg/momo/nardi and I can price you on it. Here's my nrg setup:



New Member
be that as it may, it's just that i want the EVO steering wheel. I love the look, don't like the NRG look. i just need to know about the hub adapter


You said your scared of your wheel coming off so you don't want a quick release, but you want to buy a hub that is made cheaply and a steering wheel that could get messed up easily and make you lose control while driving... I'd at least go with a nrg hub (you don't need a quick release unless you get the nrg short hub) cause they're quality made products and spend a little more on a steering wheel since its something you'll use everyday.. Just my two cents, trying to not get you killed when the cheap wheel breaks. You can also look around at momo, nardi, personal and sparco. They're quality brands and a little more expensive but alot more reliable than a cheaply made chinese wheel.


I think that's all you'll need.... But please dont buy that crap off ebay... Just dont shop on ebay period though, please.... Especially on something like this. What if your cheap arse wheel braks while you're driving? You're screwed all because you didn't wanna pay a couple extra dollars...
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Yolo Whippin'
Dont cheap out on a steering wheel
You can and you will bend them. There are several video (which have gone viral) of people bending steering wheels. If you bend it dont come back and say "i bent my steering wheel what can i do now" after we have told you to buy quality products.
I suggest going to and buying one of their combo packages on steering wheels its everything you need. Plus all the tools you need is a torxs screw driver, a allen key, a phillips and a 19mm


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
Or pm mr because I carry all that cheaper. I'll try to find the bending video. Get a gen 1 hub that has no paddles etc