Can ebayers get away with this shit?


Active Member
i work at a photography studio and you have copyright on any picture you take. if you sent it to them thats one thing, but its your picture and if you did not give them permission, thats illegal. do you even have their lip?
no i bought my lip from g2tegguy from i have no idea who this person is and never gave anyone permission to use my car for promotional use.

dramysx said:
take it as a compliment. its not like you're losing anything by them using it.
i kno but its like i said i'm a cool guy and would have been fine if they asked me to use my car to promote teh mugen style lip, but they did it without even asking, that's fucking presumptous, ya know??!?!?


BBS wanted
Hmmmm tell they to sponsor you with all their ricer parts or you WIIL SUE lol. but for real dont get bent up about it, my DB8 is on google and I dont care


Active Member
"it's the princibalities of the whole smokie..theres principles in this thang"...naw but for real there is principles, and they didn't adhere to them.


save a a porno
you know they coulds have " found your pic " and said hey thats the closest pic to what our lip looks like and used it, but i will still put it straight with them


Active Member
but where my pics are posted are on forums where my username is used and they could have easily contacted me and asked me. right now i'm writing ebay an email and posting all of the forum sites i posted my car in.

House Special

what if they put your car on the forum banner? would you be upset? It still has the same promotional purpose of attracting people to the site, which ends up converting into dollars.


what if they put your car on the forum banner? would you be upset? It still has the same promotional purpose of attracting people to the site, which ends up converting into dollars.
but if this is the case he should get some kind of deal out of it....nevertheless its not their choice its his, when they make that choice without his consent that makes it illegal.


Integra God
if you didnt even get your lip from them, thats false advertising. i really would make them take it down then. its not even their lip!!!


Active Member
look at what this idiot sent me in email:shock:

so what did i do???

being the outstanding citizen i am showed him all the links in which my car was posted...which most of them ALSO have my SC tag still how can a cali car have a SC license plate tag?!?!?!?