festetech's build thread


New Member
Oh hey. I picked this 94 ls last week, and i have been working on it. I have been taking a few pics of the projects i have been doing.

Enjoy and watch this get cleaner and cleaner :D
Comments are welcome, just be constructive.
I finally have something to put money into!

Drove it home and took some pictures to start.

Replaced the spark plugs and wires. Started to work on the hood.

stripped everything off the hood and started to apply bondo.
Will upload pictures tomorrow. Night and thanks for looking!
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Resident Hoodrat
Not a bad start, mechanicals/interior look to be very clean!



New Member
So you like it kinky. :lol:
What are your plans with it?
go go right clicking and picking the word at the top of the list xD

I stripped down the hood and started the bondo. I put on some black primer on it just so i can drive it, and i'll be working on the hood again once i get the engine up to running. I need to go get and install new radiator today.
My friend has a garage where we can pick the engine out. I plan to get everything clean, and then i can check to see if anything else is leaking, then fix it. The front bumper needs to be redone too, but I rather get the radiator fixed first.
Short term plans are to get seat covers, floor mats, install a sony explode deck, finish hood, replace radiator, repaint the bumper, install a strut bar, replace the spring for the choke and the choke, pick the engine and clean everything out, wash and wax it, use a carpet cleaning machine on the inside, car alarm, get a new RPM gauge that doesn't have the automatic marks, and install fog lights.
I really want to get a turbo, but I rather build it up first then install some of the higher performance parts.



New Member
Replaced radiator and bleed it till perfection, and now i get to bleed it again tomorrow when i replace the thermostat and a tube.
*note* the RPM now idles at 1000


Well-Known Member
The hood didnt look like it had any dents/waves on it before you worked on it. Was there more than just peeling paint? It looked all all it needed was a sanding then primer and paint.

Other than that, it would have been a good idea to use a hammer with some light taps to work the dents out if they were large, so you arent applying a lot of bondo to fill them in.


New Member
The bondo they put down was cracking really bad in most the spots, and i should have took a clear pic of it. I still have to sand, apply more bondo, sand, primer, sand, primer, sand, primer, sand, and then paint once i'm happy.
The hood got kind of folded in a spot, and i don't really know how to get all the dents out. They did a shitty job. the front right, is kind of dipped.
Question: Does bondo still crack even if i only apply thin coats and sand them in between?

picture how the hood looked after i took off all the paint.


Resident Hoodrat
One of the gripes with bondo on a hood is that the hood flexes when it is raised unless you have hood dampers, and the flexing will make the bondo crack.


New Member
Today I replaced the thermostat, a hose from the front valve to the thermostat, checked timing belt, replaced head gasket, used some touch up paint on the front bumper, used motor flush, changed oil and oil filter, and bleed the radiator again.

Tomorrow I'm going to take a serious look at the bumper and consider buying a new one. I need to order the original shade of paint off line to paint the breaks. Depending on weather, i'll work on the hood or not.

I still have this rattling sound. My friend says it's the fire wall doing something. it's not constant, but i notice it sometimes at idle. The sound needs to go. I have no clue how to tighten or even check my firewall, but i'm sure i'll find out this weekend, somehow.
My RMP's still get stuck reving up and down at about 1-1.5k; i can fix this by pushing the throttle all the way in. I think it's the spring on the throttle body, but auto zone can't find it in their system. I'll try O'Reilly's tomorrow.


New Member
it was an interesting weekend... Oh hi.
I started to detail the inside of my 94 teg. I'm going to use a tooth brush tomorrow to clean the inside.
I need to replace or cover the seats because the last owner dropped a few cigs here and there.
Be nice to get new back seats.