Hey Junk2! FU!

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"Gap Sissy"
Exactly! for all we know they may want to talk lawsuit with these people lol. I don't see how they could get away with it because of freedom of speech n all but you never know.


Rattle Can Technician
anyone can make a website with fake shipments and blah, blah, blah. Its all on the extent someone wants to go to prove a point, its makes no sense to me, i feel this is bull. Which ever way you swing it Skunk2 is still better than Blox and BWR, IMO

edit: look at the quality in there camber kits, by far best design i've seen, and then not to mention how many of there parts are track proven by regular joe's, you can jump on the BAND wagon or run behind it, because its full, im good with trusting there products
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Rattle Can Technician
Exactly! for all we know they may want to talk lawsuit with these people lol. I don't see how they could get away with it because of freedom of speech n all but you never know.
Difference between freedom of speech and plan old slander, and maybe it was extortion or blackmail


Just call me chris.
If they are so bad why do so many people buy them? I mean I'm sure even the most expensive companies have bad batches.


Maybe this dude is an ex employee. I think he just has 2 different screen names. I run skunk2 pro s 2's on my teg and I love them. But who's to say that just because we have the skunk2 brand over BLOX or someone else that the feeling that it's actually better isn't just in our heads? I'm not bashing on my own parts lol but idk. Some points seem kinda true. Some don't


New Member
i think its just like rota and drag, soome say they are ok, some say they are terrible. just matter of opinion


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
I'm in for seeing more info. Also- its cheaper for them to produce over seas. Much like apple and every other company. Who's to say its not r and d here then bulk made there?


Negative Ned
There's a lot more to this story we don't know.

I'm thinking those kids tried to blackmail/extort them..
Neither of these guys are struggling for cash lolz.

And Junk2 tries to lend itself credibility, and yes it is a replica of a replica. The Junk2 IM is just a rep ITR IM made to fit the GSR.


Negative Ned
If they are so bad why do so many people buy them? I mean I'm sure even the most expensive companies have bad batches.
Because Junk2 is cheap.

Because the dumb ass fanbois post everywhere about their Junk2 so n00bs assume it must be and then they spout their verbal diarrhea about how great Junk2 is.


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
You know there's more to the story is all I'm saying. I haven't had issues with their stuff.


There's always gonna be a better replica. Like NRG seats and Yonaka seats. People say Yonaka is the better replica. They're both "no name" seats, but one is better made. And yes skunk2 is cheap (er) than Toda, T1R, JUN, Spoon, etc. We buy it because we can afford it. I'd like to see the outcome of this. Skunk2 needs to lower their prices then :lol:


Just call me chris.
I mean my car is 15 years old...if I can get a part that works without paying out the ass then I'll go for it. Just because something is a replica doesn't mean its not as good. There is only so much originality out there.


Active Member
Because Junk2 is cheap.

Because the dumb ass fanbois post everywhere about their Junk2 so n00bs assume it must be and then they spout their verbal diarrhea about how great Junk2 is.
We don't have the actual full story here so your current view is really biased. So far we've only heard one side.

It's unfair to assume this is true based on what people you don't even know say. They have no credibility that substantiates what they say is true other than they are forum moderators, which doesn't count for much when they are out to slander a large company like Skunk2.

Now if these two individuals manufactured and produced these products for a living and are professionals in this field, then perhaps what they say can be considered as fact that Skunk2 is using inferior supplies but they'll need to prove that with physical evidence of more than just one item that Skunk2 uses or sells.

For now, these two have not even furnished any physical proof that what Skunk2 uses is below quality. And when I say proof, I mean they need to obtain whatever products Skunk2 is getting overseas to manufacture their goods.

People who leave the reviews leave them because they experienced good things with Skunk2 products so of course they would recommend them to others. But what these two are doing so far is just slander.
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