importing cars


New Member
Canada its super easy to get JDM cars, as long as its 15 years old. They have tons of skylines up here, and my friend has a JDM Mitusbishi 3000gto Twin turbo which is pretty cool. Theres tons of JDM supras and stuff too.

Never seen an ITR tho. In 2014, R34s will be legal to import to canada. Holy shit.


do what now?
well probly by then i'll enough money saved up!


Curves > Straights
I would be pissed if my car was impounded because it wasn't "safe" enough. If I'm willing to take the risk I should be able to. Heck. I'm pissed if any of these cars get impounded, regardless of whether they're mine or not. Beautiful cars, and a big part of history (especially the Skyline GT-R's). Such a shame. At least ship them back over. :lol: