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I'm absolutely no gangster enough to understand what the hell he is trying to say. Can someone please translate from "skreet talk" to something resembling English for me? Thanks.


New Member
Alright guys, that's enough shit talking for one morning.

To the OP (original poster) please try to take your time writing a thread so we can help you learn, and who knows, maybe you can teach us all something too.

Thread locked.


Alright guys, that's enough s*** talking for one morning.

To the OP (original poster) please try to take your time writing a thread so we can help you learn, and who knows, maybe you can teach us all something too.

Thread locked.
Who the fuck are you?
Alright guys, that's enough s*** talking for one morning
No, it's not. Anyone who types like that, especially someone who speaks in that manner, should be mercilessly made fun of until such a time that they start to post in something that is akin to standard English.
I'm not asking for the next great American novel, but something I don't have to decipher with Google Translate would be nice.

And like Patrick said above, who the fuck are you?