Official DSLR Photography Thread


Boredest Member

You can still get good results with most modern dslr's at 1600 iso. A lot of my shots that were full indoor at the recent conventions were at 1600.


Boredest Member
Mostly around 125. Granted the convention lighting might still be brighter than household indoor lighting but that's all diff for everyone too. And I wasn't using a prime lens. At one event.


Well-Known Member
I hate my 35mm I just want to get rid of it... I find better luck with my stock hooker lens


Active Member
I hate my 35mm I just want to get rid of it... I find better luck with my stock hooker lens
PM Dillon. I bet he wants one for Xmas :) The 35mm is best used for portraits I think. For cars, you'll probably want to focus on one part of the car instead of the whole car. That's what I did for Patrick's article I wrote a few weeks back.


Boredest Member
I rarely use mine but i also rarely do portraiture. But the most recent event i wanted to really get some good learning in and used the 50mm (which is worse than your 35mm in terms of focal length friendliness) the entire weekend. Almost didnt want to use it the second day because i couldnt do creative group shots without much trouble but i said i intend to learn more from it and stuck with it. Learned lots. It CAN be used outside of portraiture, u just have to have room to back up. lol The advantage is that they can provide a crisper picture than your regular zoom lenses and of course the bokeh from being wide open.

I know you dont expect magic coming from 5 whole shoots which are probably done in short duration. =P


I hate my 35mm I just want to get rid of it... I find better luck with my stock hooker lens
Why? Those pictures are much crisper. The 35 is a good lens for aps sensors and it really comes in handy when you do low light photography, cause on camera flash sucks.

Also 35mm is not a portrait lens, it's way too unflattering to do faces close up as it tends to make big noses an ears. But it's an excellent street lens, you just need to figure out how it works best for you.
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Well-Known Member

this was taken with my 35mm lens.

nothing fancy its just this is one of the few i actually like from it.
i like the encouragement though, i'll put it back on and try some more later.

i took a few pics tonight... waiting for them to upload


Well-Known Member
hard to believe this was taken at night..
not sure if it looks okay....

whatcha think? this was taken with my hooker stock lens.



Boredest Member
So much blue I want to strangle a smurf. LoL Being in a environment where the background isnt so nice (anywhere theres crowds) presents a challenge and ive taken plenty of photos back in film days at shows where the car is basically the entire crop. Theyre boring. I dont mean that your picture is not good, its very clean but being judgemental about my own shots, i hate when i end up taking something like that. Best I can hope for is a clean photo. Shots like your s2k where you can include background are far nicer. At the la auto show i had similar problems so i just tried to throw angles or crop portions of the car.


Boredest Member
This isnt an example of what i said before. Obviously nobody can crowd this car because of the display. Its just the only photo ive made time to edit from the auto show set.

I think my highlights are a little strong. I've allowed myself to get sucked into the gimmick of 'bright' photos looking at a lot of convention 'photographer' shots. When a photo seems to stand out or pop and looks brighter, the general public thinks it looks better. I dealt with that mentality when selling tv's. Facepalm.

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Well-Known Member
So much blue I want to strangle a smurf. LoL Being in a environment where the background isnt so nice (anywhere theres crowds) presents a challenge and ive taken plenty of photos back in film days at shows where the car is basically the entire crop. Theyre boring. I dont mean that your picture is not good, its very clean but being judgemental about my own shots, i hate when i end up taking something like that. Best I can hope for is a clean photo. Shots like your s2k where you can include background are far nicer. At the la auto show i had similar problems so i just tried to throw angles or crop portions of the car.

probably because of the LED I used to take the picture.

i didn't realize the photo was going to be so exposed so while it was absorbing light i was running around with my light. its very blue ish looking could be the culprit.

took some photos of the family tonight. i softened these and added the "vignette" because everyone loves that crap on christmas photos.

personally i don't care much for it.

Copying this over from facebook... quality pirate might happen..we'll see

i did an 8x10 crop of it for my mom and it looks better than the full picture... might post that one later.
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