Official DSLR Photography Thread


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
^that's photoshopped, cheater! Lol just kidding.

Here's a couple I'm using for my Photography class.

1st picture is for an "Old" assignment.

2nd and 3rd are for "Selective Coloring". Whatevs lol.

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90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
A couple from yesterday showing off my New flat black front lip Lol

The sky lighting was HORRIBLE.
These were with the same 18-55mm lens. The 1st pic kinda looks like a Fisheye.... But it's Not! It's straight JDM Yo!

(I bet with some Photoshoping, these pics would look a lot better.

Edit- I just added more Blue Color Contrast in Photoshop to the background.... it looks Okay still, nothing special.

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thanks to Bryan (ewoo aka ewok haha) i know how to use alot of the setting and features of my camera so i plan to be taking some gangsta pictures now haha
here are a few i snapped yesterday


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New Member
Here are some panoramic photos from a recent trip to San Diego.

USS Midway

M3 we were driving all week towards the top of Soledad Natural Park

Point Loma, and all the seals on the right

I'll post some non-panoramic photos later.

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I went out to San Diego and visited the Midway the other year. I'll be out there again this summer.


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
lol, you missed the tree...
WOW! I didn't even notice lol..... Epic Photoshop Fail!

I'll be posting a few pictures from trip to SoCal (Huntington Beach)... My cuz helped me out with a couple shots and let me borrow his Canon 17-40mm lens (I think that's what it was) the thing was huge compared to my camera! lol.... We hooked up a couple external flashes for one shot. It looks cool....