Official DSLR Photography Thread


The other asshole
hook it up with some difference of adjustments on the f stops an set ur camera to raw and adjust the iso to 400 and when you get your tripod you will be able to get that extra detail beyond the darkness that you cant see at the moment. :) just an idea if you want to practice night shots without flash and strobes :)

after: not to much change, but without the proper settings adjusted you can only do so much before distorting to much of the image...

Awesome, Thanks dude!


New Member
Yeah I found out the hard way. There's like no lighting. Haha

Thanks Peara!

How much does an external flash usually run for?


New Member
I want a sb-700 and they go for about $250-$300. A sb-600 is a nice external too, but it's discontinued and kind of out dated now.

Picture looks good though. How was your indoor lighting? How much light was in the room when you took it?


New Member
Damn! Its okay I'm not looking to invest that much into a flash Lol Hey how much was your little portable flash thingy that you use?


New Member
Awesome! Ill play as well!

A friend of mines Mini Me swapped EF 4 door.

And a few from my way back with my old kodak.

Im not awesome at it, Everything ive ever done with photography is self taught and trail and error, until about a month ago i just bad a box stock canon, I just recently got a 55-250mm lens and its been a whole new learning experience. If you all want check out my page,


Well-Known Member
thank ya.
they're both zoomed in really crazy and cropped to heck and what not..
i'm just trying to learn..