Ryan sweetheart, could you be a dear and throw me some ideas and recommendations on things to do/try, pretty please? :lol:
I haven't shot shit in weeks, I need new stuff. I've got some ideas but the more the better. :mrgreen:
A real man just sticks it in and doesn't take it out until she's learned to like it. :rolf:You can try anal :mrgreen: you women say it hurts but we know you enjoy it :rolf:
:rolf: :rolf: :rolf: You know you wanna see those 19 year old ghetto ass b****es and their c-section scars. :rolf:no women pics from you, we don't need to see those hillbecky's.
I'd take pics of my cars but there's been so much god damn salt and dirt everywhere because it hasn't rained in months that the f***ers are f***ing filthy if I drive them out the street and back. :lol:Edit: have you seen how many pics I take of my cars :lol: people are prob tired of seeing them but IDGAF
I'm gonna be working with a skidsteer tomorrow, I should take some sick f***ing pics of that. :rolf:You can try star trails but you'd need a tripod and a remote clicker. Take pics of some bark or somes*** :lol:
Holy s***, didn't know you were still around. :lol:
lol...just get out of the car man...lolOr you could just not frame a f***ing mailbox in front of the car. A lot easier than editing it out.
Looks good man :thumbs upDriving down the road when suddenly...
Let's get a little up close and... personal :nod:
Sorry I couldn't get a full shot of it, only had my 50mil with me and I didn't have time to stop and get out.
I desperately need to get Lightroom or something, I need new editing software bad, my shot potential is suffering due to my limitations with this old s***.
Or you could just not frame a fucking mailbox in front of the car. A lot easier than editing it out.
lol...just get out of the car man...lol