i want to do this so bad.I just found this, I wish I came up with the idea... these guys are first to do it and I support innovation.
So I just got PM'd about this so replying to an ancient thread did help at least one person; I should probably also mention that I do have the tools for progamming these and such so if anyone needs help just drop me a line.I know this thread is old but I found it and it helped me.
A few notes.. tachocalc didnt come up with numbers that matched my eeprom or were even close. Custy wanted 0 anyway, setting to 00 00 ff ff I can only get down to 31km on the cluster. I could get it up to 33 by changing $c3 to 00 but that added 2km to the trip.
I have ap1 cluster bins as were requested here like 7 yeara ago if anyone still wanta them..
I should also note I HAD ZERO ISSUE PROGRAMMING THE EEPROM IN CIRCUIT RELIABLY. I have programmed it about 100 times tonight trying to get rid of the last 31km but damn.. but yeah, I didn't have to desolder the chip! I'm assuming some ff's somewhere ade the 31 because Basically zeroed every byte that wouldnt cause it to error and ff'd almost every other lol..ah well