Slo_Teggy's Slo Rebuild


Slow Driver
Hey. So I have decided to rebuild my engine and make sure it's running properly this coming summer. I live in Canada so I only get a few months of good weather so I like to enjoy it. I was storing my car at my parent's place and just recently got it home to work on it. I have done little so far but this will keep me busy for a little while for sure.

I don't really post "build threads: but I thought it might be something fun. So this is where I am now.

I have a 1996 GS-R. Last summer, I swapped head to a B16A (JDM Civic SiR). All the internals are stock. I only had minor upgrades (exhaust and easy things like that).

I'm not going to tell my exact plans, but I'll document everything.

This is my car as a complete car (well, how I drive it):

I'm always doing little projects here and there but I have a feeling this will be one of the most strenuous ones.

Yesterday I removed:

Rad Fan
Engine Head (Along With Everything Attached to It)
Power Steering Pump

and it looked like this afterward:

Today, I started working on all the wiring and lines connected to the engine.

Here is the engine harness out and ready to try and clean up a bit

By the end of the day, I removed:

Engine Harness
Power Steering Assembly
Charcoal Canister
Torque Bracket

Disconnected from car, but still connected one way or another:

ABS System
Fuse Boxes

And it looks like this:

That's all I have for now so I will update as I go.
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Slow Driver
So it has kind of been slow as I am waiting on a hoist to take my engine out.

My buddy works at a garage and said there is a tool box there that is mine if I empty it out. I was about one socket shy of being on the show Hoarders.

So I made some room for the toolbox

Cleaned up the toolbox and got it home. I only have half if it right now as the top half is someone else's so we have to ask if I can have it when he gets back to work. I got most of my tools in it and was really stoked to have some extra room

...but then I looked over and noticed it hadn't helped all that much

So finally getting to work. I unhooked the ABS lines from the module. This made a really good mess alright.

Then I disconnected the lines from the cylinder/res and took the brake proportional valve off.

My buddy stopped by to help me with some things like getting the ABS lines and other brake lines out.

We then started to get the other harnesses out and took the side skirt and fender off (as you need to take it off to get the door harness out).

At the end of the night, the parts were starting to pile up.

Going from not having a garage to now having one, I'm not going to complain, but it would really be nice to have a larger garage. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers I guess.

That is it for now. I'm going to try and clean up a bit more and try and get a real jack here. Maybe I'll be able to drop the motor/tranny out the bottom of the car. The only thing connected to the engine is the mounts and axles. Everything else has been disconnected.

I'm also going back to work on Monday so I would assume this "slow rebuild" thread is going to get a bit slower. Hope not.

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New Member
So it has king of been slow as I am waiting on a hoist to take my engine out.

My buddy works at a garage and said there is a tool box there that is mine if I empty it out. I was about one socket shy of being on the show Hoarders.

So I made some room for the toolbox

Cleaned up the toolbox and got it home. I only have half if it right now as the top half is someone else's so we have to ask if I can have it when he gets back to work. I got most of my tools in it and was really stoked to have some extra room

...but then I looked over and noticed it hadn't helped all that much

So finally getting to work. I unhooked the ABS lines from the module. This made a really good mess alright.

Then I disconnected the lines from the cylinder/res and took the brake proportional valve off.

My buddy stopped by to help me with some things like getting the ABS lines and other brake lines out.

We then started to get the other harnesses out and took the side skirt and fender off (as you need to take it off to get the door harness out).

At the end of the night, the parts were starting to pile up.

Going from not having a garage to now having one, I'm not going to complain, but it would really be nice to have a larger garage. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers I guess.

That is it for now. I'm going to try and clean up a bit more and try and get a real jack here. Maybe I'll be able to drop the motor/tranny out the bottom of the car. The only thing connected to the engine is the mounts and axles. Everything else has been disconnected.

I'm also going back to work on Monday so I would assume this "slow rebuild" thread is going to get a bit slower. Hope not.
R ya thinking in new pistons??


Slow Driver
So I'm back at work now. I've been here for 19 minutes and I'm already losing my mind. I have so much to do still. I just got a good jack so I'll be able to lift the car up enough to get the engine out through the bottom. I might try and do some work when I get home tonight.


Slow Driver
So I was able to do a little bit of work on the car today. Nothing crazy but it's been a while since I've updated this thread.

I took off the impact beam (or whatever it's called) for now. I will be putting it back on as the car won't pass a safety without it. It doesn't weigh that much and it could save my life so I'm not too worried about it.

After that, I decided to do a little something extra. So I took off the stock LCA's. (it looks so bad under there)

Due to Canadian weather, they were looking pretty bad.

Car is now on jack stands and the rear wheels are off along with the muffler (just for easier access). That's it for now. Hopefully have something a little more entertaining next time.


actually has an FB6 now.
dude holy crap. the LCAs look like they're rusted to death and not to mention the rest of everything under your car.

snow is really a killer then. :(


New Member
Those Function Form coilovers? How do they seem to be holding up with all the road salt?


Slow Driver
Ya, salt is a real killer in Canada. That's why it's rare to see a real clean car in Canada. The guy that owned the car before me drove it in the winter. Things are holding up well but I have been doing as much as I can to keep the car running. For a 1996 Honda, there is very little rust on it compared to others around.

Oh well, I'll hopefully be able to clean it up once everything is gutted and cleaned.


Slow Driver
Those Function Form coilovers? How do they seem to be holding up with all the road salt?
Sorry I missed this, I was reading off my phone earlier. The suspension was a donor suspension. I had some other stuff but my friend wanted to use it to sell a car. Kind of a long story but his suspension (that is now mine) was worth more so he didn't want to have them on the car. They work perfectly still, just look really bad. I'm going to take them off and clean them up a bit. The function of the suspension is still as good as day 1 so I'm not too worried.


Slow Driver
Alright so tonight I got a lot done. I finally got an engine hoist and stand so I was able to get my engine out.

Separated the tranny:

And I don't have a 12-point 17mm socket so I'm not able to get the flywheel off but I'll have it tomorrow. Once I get it off, I'll be able to get the block on the engine stand and get to work.

p.s. I have given up trying to keep my garage floor clean. I have just accepted the fact that I am going to have to make a day of cleaning it once I'm done.

I'll hopefully get the socket tomorrow and be able to get to work on the block.


Slow Driver
Alright, so I busted my back, knees, and gloves getting this engine on the stand but I did.

Here is the engine on the stand with the oil draining:

And more importantly, evidence of said glove:

Now that the engine is on the stand, the real work begins. Hopefully posts from here on won't be as boring and dry. No more work for today.


Slow Driver
Did some more work today. Nothing picture worthy as I was called in to watch my daughters so the wife and watch the Teen Mom season finale. Might have an update tomorrow.