Super Sexy Slammed Integra Thread v2.0


I think this thread should have a rule about no chatter... I'm tired of getting notifications and coming to see some slammed ass shit but it's just 2 cunts arguing.....


New Member
Thanks everyone for the comps,, i love how it is slammed, and I know they rub like everywhere i go -_- haha


DB8 Whore
Thanks everyone for the comps,, i love how it is slammed, and I know they rub like everywhere i go -_- haha
At least your not like me! My damn 4-1 header smacks everything! Haha! Oh well, I'll get a new one soon. It's a ebay one, so I don't care.

b20vtec MFer

Speed bumps = mountains of death! I almost lost my front end to one at Odu because there was no way around it -.-

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