The looks u get while teggn around


thats why i only pick on v6 mustangs so i get my pride back

i went to mikky d's for lunch today and i got this look from a cop to the right of me.. he was looking at my car and the rims.. i already knew he had an idea my car was too low..
so what happens?

cop: nice car.. low enough?
me: nah.. the law doesnt let me go that low..
cop: good man..

and he makes a right at the light..

yea i remember one time i got pulled over with me and my friends cuz i was supposedly "following too close" and i was really cool with the cop let him search the car and what not...and then when he wanted to search the truck he asked me if "i had anything in the truck that i wanted to tell him about before he opened it" and i told him about the nitrous it wasnt hooked up but i spent like 30 min of me and my friends talking to the cop about nitrous oxide and how the cop had it on his big block back home and how the had never seen it on a honda before


I don't think I've messed with anything more than 6cyl.
really...when i had my build LS on nitrous i would race v8 mustangs, camaros, firebirds and what not and own them...they never saw it comming...

one time when i had my stock LS on nitrous (3 yrs ago) this kid at school had a 2002 mustang GT with I/H/E and springs and he was talkin shit about my car in the parking lot after i confronted him about it and he was like "dude there is no way you'll beat me" i was like "ok lets go then right now on the highway i just gotta get my camera"

he agrees and we had our videocamera already... we went to my house, we up the jets from 75 to 100, raised the fuel pressure a lil, and retarded the ignition 2 more degrees...

all i can say is that he got the hit on the high way and i let him gain a car...and by the time i was around 120mph he was about 4 cars behind me eating my exhaust fumes :D



Raceline USA
really...when i had my build LS on nitrous i would race v8 mustangs, camaros, firebirds and what not and own them...they never saw it comming...

one time when i had my stock LS on nitrous (3 yrs ago) this kid at school had a 2002 mustang GT with I/H/E and springs and he was talkin shit about my car in the parking lot after i confronted him about it and he was like "dude there is no way you'll beat me" i was like "ok lets go then right now on the highway i just gotta get my camera"

he agrees and we had our videocamera already... we went to my house, we up the jets from 75 to 100, raised the fuel pressure a lil, and retarded the ignition 2 more degrees...

all i can say is that he got the hit on the high way and i let him gain a car...and by the time i was around 120mph he was about 4 cars behind me eating my exhaust fumes :D

My bad. I just edited. I just realized that I have raced a car with more than 6cyl. Audi S4.


New Member
HAHA nice! the fastest car iv raced was my friends 600hp wrx and yea...u all know the outcome of that...lmao! my first lost ever....but it was fun


Raceline USA
Oh yeah, a little side note: I beat the S4 in the touge. So his 340hp didn't make a significance going downhill. If we were straight out drag racing, he would've crushed me for sure.


general cornrolla wallice
i would get dirty looks when i drove my civic by everyone when it was primered. Now that its painted i still do...haha

In my 240 i would get the ... what kind of car is that *googly eyes**..

In the integra.. "damn.. what a peice of crap.." :lol:


general cornrolla wallice
i think i might leave it like that.. sleeper..ahahaha..

dont pay attention to me though.. i'm drunk...


New Member
HAHA this thread is funny! my favorite is when u drive by an intersection and the cars that are stopped all watch you with their eyes! Or u drive by another import and they turn their whole head out the window to look at your ride