Wrecked my DA in a 3 car accident today


17 yr. old Integra Modder
I just read the first page of the thread, and I am truly sorry for your loss... Another DA gone.. But , now correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you the one who was trying to do a 5speed conversion? If so, a new door has opened up... JUNK THE CAR. Save up or throw that money down on another DA, 5speed, and your problem is solved, not everything can be done in a blink of an eye, but you can get it done and do it right.
Don't reallt have the reason to. I wanted another DA, but for the price I would've spent on a clean one, I spent on my EM2

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New Member
if you've got the time, part it out. you'll get much more than if you scrap it. probably looks a lot worse than it is, and most/ if not all of the engine drivetrain will be fine


No fucks given.
Stop bumping old threads...
