Zombiegurl81's DA Build


New Member
Well I bet the exhaust and header will sale fairly quick. Good luck on getting things to work out :thumbs up


New Member
Selling the header pretty dang cheap
Nice exhaust though idk how it sounds


HFF Beginner
Me either but It would've been nice to have. Well That's alright if it sells then I can buy the one I was actually interested in. I'm just selling the header for what I bought it for. I hope that sells quick less for me to be concerned about.


HFF Beginner
Yes I sold the header yesterday. Haven't really done anything else on the car for now but I may start purchasing the interior pieces I need.


HFF Beginner
Finally got my computer fixed well temporarily of course. My monitor died or was about to I should say. Leave it to electronics to bugger up right when you need them! So I'm borrowing a friend's until I can sort out the money for a new one. I just recently bought a no name header for my car and installed it.....I'll be uninstalling it this weekend if I can get in the mood to crawl back under the car. It fit brilliantly up until it got to the cat then it doesn't have the proper angle it needs to seal, so it leaks. The exhaust hasn't sold but I'm not giving up just yet.


Boredest Member
No name parts will be hit or miss. Going to have it adjusted or try and resell, purchase another one? Is there something wrong with your oem ex manifold or just looking for something to upgrade?


HFF Beginner
No name parts will be hit or miss. Going to have it adjusted or try and resell, purchase another one? Is there something wrong with your oem ex manifold or just looking for something to upgrade?
Pretty Nice DA Bro! Almost looks like mine except mines an GS Automatic... ): lol
Well, I think it will be fine I got under the car today as much as I didn't really feel like it and found out that I could use a part that came off of the oem exhaust on the new section. However in the span of two days I completely burnt up the gasket that came with the header (hence one of the exhaust leaks that I have) so I have to go buy a new one to replace it. After that I should have no more issues with the header....I hope. I wanted to upgrade but didn't intend on spending large amounts of money on the upgrades as I want to do as little to the car as possible at current.

The_818_boi umm bro look at my handle before you call me bro again, thank you.
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Boredest Member
Just asked because if it becomes a problem you can save the money and run the oem. Any upgrade to the exhaust system that isnt enlarged diameter all the way through from the collector back isnt much of an upgrade if at all. In some cases worse. lol Most people just want aftermarket exhaust note.