What to do with my teg?


Would you please just stop it? I'm trying to help this kid, and all you are trying to do is irritate everybody. It's been brought up at least twice in this post. If you are such an expert, be a gentleman and inform all of us. If you can't do that, then please leave the kid alone and find somebody else to irritate. I'm not even the OP and I'm getting sick of your crap. If you are a moderator, act like one; don't act like a child.
And yes; 93 octane is hotter burning than 87, 10w-30 is thicker viscoscity than 5w-30, and the Earth is round. I've been doing research on cars for nine years. If my facts are wrong, I don't care if you correct me, but you don't have to be a jerk about it.
And FYI, I have the posts sent to my e-mail on the threads I'm subscribed to. It doesn't censor it there, so if you want to be smart about it, I can send all of your replies to Club Integra and they can handle it [I've saved all of them.].
Stop crying already. This is why I don't try to help diagnose peoples maintenance issues, they don't know what to do but yet they only want to take advice that they like. I thought this op was going to be different since he came armed with a video and all but I guess not. I put forth effort to help him and he ignored the advice, so screw it.

Why are you starting shit with me? You don't like my language, I don't like your incorrect advice, this is the internet, get over it. I've been on this site for almost 8 years, I could care less if you don't like the way I act, I've helped many members with all sorts of different things, you need a shoulder to cry on by all means contact JayJay, he's the site owner. I'm not always right but at least my advice is plausible to the situation. You tell me you've researched cars for 9 years yet you tell me higher octane burns hotter.

Octane doesn't control temperature, higher octane does provide a more controlled burn that takes longer to ignite. Your A/F ratio controls the cylinder temperature, richer = cooler, leaner = hotter. Is that a good enough explanation?

5w-30 and 10w-30 -- The difference in viscosity is during a cold start, once the temperature gets to the operating level they will both be a 30w. So no 10w-30 is not thicker oil. And if you were going to recommend it because it's thicker at start up then I will say your wrong again. This motors been sitting for 2 years and the motor's oil passage ways are probably all gunked up with old cruddy oil disrupting the flow during a cold start. If I was him I would put a 0w in it so that the oil can get to the bearings as quick as possible for lubrication, especially since it's WINTER TIME!

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
Stop crying already. [Do you see tears?] This is why I don't try to help diagnose peoples maintenance issues, they don't know what to do but yet they only want to take advice that they like. I thought this op was going to be different since he came armed with a video and all but I guess not. I put forth effort to help him and he ignored the advice, so screw it.

Why are you starting s*** with me? [I'm not starting anything. You are taking what I'm typing incorrectly. If you noticed, when I called your bluff the first time I even specifically said that I don't want to start anything. Your ridiculous response is what started this. Put the blame where it belongs.] You don't like my language [No I don't.], I don't like your incorrect advice [Again; I said if my advice was incorrect, then please feel free to fix it.], this is the internet, get over it. I've been on this site for almost 8 years [Congratulations.], I could care less if you don't like the way I act, I've helped many members with all sorts of different things. you need a shoulder to cry on by all means contact JayJay, he's the site owner [Nah. I'm not really a cryer, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. :)]. I'm not always right but at least my advice is plausible to the situation [I can say the same for me.]. You tell me you've researched cars for 9 years yet you tell me higher octane burns hotter. [If it doesn't, then explain to me how come some cars designed to run on 87 that have been using 93 don't last as long? And for the record, I'm not being a smart eleck here; I legitimately want to know.]

Octane doesn't control temperature, higher octane does provide a more controlled burn that takes longer to ignite. Your A/F ratio controls the cylinder temperature, richer = cooler, leaner = hotter. Is that a good enough explanation? [At least you are putting forth effort now. *claps*]

5w-30 and 10w-30 -- The difference in viscosity is during a cold start [Start. Key word here. His car isn't starting. He's trying to start it. The thicker 'viscosity' will help, then it'll thin out when it is supposed to. But, you even admitted to it making a difference, thus my information was partially correct.], once the temperature gets to the operating level they will both be a 30w. So no 10w-30 is not thicker oil [Is too. You just said it was. Read what you wrote. 5W-30 and 10W-30 do thin out to be the same weight when warm, but like you said, they are different at startup, which is the reason he posted the video in the first place.]. And if you were going to recommend it because it's thicker at start up then I will say your wrong again. This motors been sitting for 2 years and the motor's oil passage ways are probably all gunked up with old cruddy oil disrupting the flow during a cold start. If I was him I would put a 0w in it so that the oil can get to the bearings as quick as possible for lubrication, especially since it's WINTER TIME! [Now, was that so hard? :) *claps again*]
Aussie, read the bold i put in your quotes. My responses to everything you posted up until this post were in efforts to get you to give the kid advice. You did that, and even though you had an attidude, I'm sure he appreciates it. Also, thank you for correcting my 'advice.' You could've been less of a jerk about it, but your information was helpful, so I appreciate that as well.
And just because this is the internet and you know how to say creative and colorful words doesn't mean it's the time and place for it. I don't want to read it, and I'm sure others don't, either.
Anyways, it's obvious that you are very knowledgeable about these cars. Don't lose that because your trying to act tough. You have the potential to help a lot of newbies like me out there.
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New Member
I definitely wont be buying a body kit after seeing what they look like wrecked and they costtoo much when I could be putting that money into fixing it or preventative maintenance


Anyways, it's obvious that you are very knowledgeable about these cars. Don't lose that because your trying to act tough..
I'm not "very" knowledgeable about these cars, I just have a good grasp of physics and chemistry and bitch please I don't "act" tough at all :roll: This is a waste of my time so feel free to have the last words.

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
I'm not "very" knowledgeable about these cars, I just have a good grasp of physics and chemistry and b**** please I don't "act" tough at all :roll: This is a waste of my time so feel free to have the last words.
All I'm going to say is that I'm not trying to get on your nerves, nor your bad side, so please quit trying to get on both of mine. I'll drop this and act like it never happened if you will. But, all I ask is that you please try to relax a little bit on the cussing. That's all I asked in the first place.


Aussie, you've got a mouth on you. I understand you use it to express yourself, but please quit cussing so much. It's getting aggravating when this kid is asking for help and it's 'f***' this, and 'b****' that. You can get the same point across without that. I'm not trying to start a fight here, I'm just telling it how I see it.


New Member
can we stop talking about the showdown already, the car however is cranking still but doesn't sound as rough since i changed the oil, hopefully if it isn't so cold this weekend I will drain the gas i had a mechanic come look at it he sound everything inside the engine is good, however it is misfiring said it was something with spark because it was very weak and that the old gas may be a factor keeping it from starting.