Official Point and Shoot [P&S] Photography thread


Boredest Member
Yes you shouldn't count haha.Putting us all to shame
Actually thats the point i was making in the other thread. Most people dont know how to use their cameras. There are a ton of features and people dont take the time to use or learn but that is why they are referred to as point and shoot. Theyre capable of so much more though, still auto mode works well for most people if they choose the right cameras in the first place; Canon. :mrgreen: And then theres those who are totally careless no matter what camera they have and come out with blurry photos cus they simply move too much while the shot is being taken. Hold still. :roll:


Yea I've been teaching myself with what I have. I'm keeping an eye on craigslist for a nice camera


No fucks given.
An EVIL camera is one that eats your soul little by little with every picture taken.

Actually stands for Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens.


Just got my camera today!

3rd picture taken with it. so it's not all that great lol, but my horse is making a derp face.
