The looks u get while teggn around


New Member
Well i guess i should bring up... some guys smile & Congrat that a "GIRL" is driving a Very Nice Teg... SOme, ( like some asshole in a Silver EClipSe who speeded up, cut in front and slammed on his brakes, ALSO THReW SHIT OUT THE WINDOW TO FUCK UP MY CAR- all because i passed him a mile back. SORE LOSER!!!! ) are just Jerk_Offs & Hate to lose to a GIRL.
ok i admitt it since were all family on this CI fourm, gettin beat by a girl in anything is a turn on for me lmao,iv never raced another chick before but whenever i do and if i loose thats hot, im cool with that.

As for Kombs, man all u need to do is drop/lower that teg and keep the CI sticker on and u will start gettn looks


New Member
iv been gettin hated on big time in my hatch! seams like every suv wants to race me at lights they look at me and just floor it, wtf i dont know what is up with these grown ass men hating on the little civic
it must be an suv thing to single out small cars, i drive a fuckin cavalier and it seems like everyone in an suv or eclipse wants to race me! i bet on an suv forum somewhere some suv driver is talking about how he stomped the shit out of some 16 yr old in his cavalier lol.


Integra God
i get more dirty looks than anything else. ppl dont like loud cars nowadays. i get yelled at to slow down in neighborhoods when im doing like 30. its just so loud, i guess ppl assume im doing 100mph!!


RS owner
i get more dirty looks than anything else. ppl dont like loud cars nowadays. i get yelled at to slow down in neighborhoods when im doing like 30. its just so loud, i guess ppl assume im doing 100mph!!
lol!! that happened to me the other day!! i passed by my hommie's house and did a u-turn about 3 or 4 houses down.. i just left it in first and went up to 4k because his house was just right there..

some lady came out.. 'slow the fuck down!!'
i stopped at my friends house
i was like.. 'what the fuck are you talking about bitch?!'
lady: i saw you speeding!! you know how fast it is in a neighborhood?!
me: yeah foo.. its 25.. and i was never near there dumbass!!
lady: i saw you! your car was loud!!
me: that doesnt mean i was speeding.. go back in your fucking house.. you might break your hip..

then she mumbled something and waddled back inside..


i notice a lot of people breaking their necks when i roll by intersections or a street.. i get thumbs up from clean civics/integs/rsxs/vip-style cars.. a blow-off in the face by a wrx/evo/srt4.. if i drive by some kids.. they usually yell 'peel out!!'.. and this chick in a dropped blue eg hatch breaks her neck whenever i see her in the neighborhood.. maybe i should say wuddup to her some time.. lol!!


tougê hêrmit
i dont have my teggy yet but i will later this after noon. but my last car was a subaru wrx with some modification, lets just say i was doing 3.2 sec 0-60 launches. so i drove down to qualcom stadium where you can race legaly and these guys from another crew are down there, and they live in the same town as me so they are always talking shit. this guy from the other crew that came out has a g35 and wanted to race me but wasnt sure if he could win or not, so he goes and asks this guy with an eveo if 02 wrx's are fast. im listining this whole time and he is talking so much crap. so any ways he ended up calling me out, i ended up beating him by four car lengths. then i walked up to the guy with the evo who had seen the whole thing and i said, "02 wrxs are slow huh and walked away" lol


RS owner
lol!! qualcomm is fun!!

havnt taken my car there but i would like to soon.. i wonder how well i'd do..


Raceline USA
i dont have my teggy yet but i will later this after noon. but my last car was a subaru wrx with some modification, lets just say i was doing 3.2 sec 0-60 launches. so i drove down to qualcom stadium where you can race legaly and these guys from another crew are down there, and they live in the same town as me so they are always talking shit. this guy from the other crew that came out has a g35 and wanted to race me but wasnt sure if he could win or not, so he goes and asks this guy with an eveo if 02 wrx's are fast. im listining this whole time and he is talking so much crap. so any ways he ended up calling me out, i ended up beating him by four car lengths. then i walked up to the guy with the evo who had seen the whole thing and i said, "02 wrxs are slow huh and walked away" lol
You live in SD? 3.2 seconds? That's super fast!


tougê hêrmit
i live in san clemente but ill drive down with my friends and stuff. yeah i had done alot modifing that car, i had made it for track but i would drag it every once and a while. the reson i sold it is that i would launch it every once in a while and i guess its really bad for the transmission and clutch. they finally were on there way out i went to a shop to get them fixed and they wanted 4,500 i checked around and other shops were about the same so i said screw it and got it fixed, the next day i think it was on autotrader, it was definatly a hate/love relationship.


Raceline USA
i live in san clemente but ill drive down with my friends and stuff. yeah i had done alot modifing that car, i had made it for track but i would drag it every once and a while. the reson i sold it is that i would launch it every once in a while and i guess its really bad for the transmission and clutch. they finally were on there way out i went to a shop to get them fixed and they wanted 4,500 i checked around and other shops were about the same so i said screw it and got it fixed, the next day i think it was on autotrader, it was definatly a hate/love relationship.
Nice. You should post in the SoCal forum. Glad to have another CA member join CI! I'm Matt BTW.

do you guys know where super autobacs is? we should meet up some time.
Yeah I know where that is. I'm down to meet up. You ever been to an HPDE?

just return the favor....oh wait yuor all motor:oops:

Haha very funny. I don't even bother. If the other car has more power, it's obvious that I'm going to lose. If there are corners, I'll lose you.



tougê hêrmit
no i havent hearf of HPDE whats that? yeah ill have to post in the socal forum i didnt even know there was one haha.